Benefits of Body Contouring

Excess skin that accumulates around the abdomen can contribute to a flabby appearance. Your abdominal skin is like a rubber band; when stretched too quickly or for too long, it can begin to lose its elasticity. Men who have abdominal laxity often feel that their stomach area lacks the firm and chiseled quality they strive to achieve through exercise. For many, working out cannot treat tissue laxity. Tummy tuck surgery specifically targets these unwanted folds of skin for a firmer abdominal appearance.
Aging is the main culprit of a weakened abdominal area, and many weight-loss patients also struggle to strengthen their abdomen. Men can find that as they age, their abdomen loses its toned appearance. A weak abdomen prevents many patients from having the contour they desire. Tummy tuck surgery tightens loose abdominal muscles for a more toned appearance.
Fat accumulations in the abdomen can mask the attractive contours you work to achieve at the gym. Abdominal fat is often stubborn for many people, and it can be resistant to diet and exercise. Excess fat can prevent your clothing from fitting comfortably. Eliminating unwanted deposits of fat can define your overall appearance. When done correctly, treating fat deposits can enhance your abdominal sculpt.

Dr. Ip Will Guide You

through the decision-making process so that you can achieve the look you love.

What Is Your Problem?

Skin After Weight Loss

Patients who have been overweight for a long time often find that they have significant skin laxity after their weight loss. This may be characterized by multiple folds of excess skin around the abdomen that are unsightly and painful. After weight loss, patients may also have weak abdominal muscles that require correction. Treating sagging abdominal tissues helps many people achieve the body contour they envisioned at the start of their weight loss.

Extra Fat

Pseudogynecomastia is the presence of female-like breasts in a man. The main difference between pseudogynecomastia and gynecomastia is that the enlarged chest appearance is because of extra fat rather than tissue in the area surrounding the nipples. There are many solutions to rid your body of this excess fat. Losing weight through diet and exercise is a good starting point, but if that does not work out, liposuction surgery is an alternative.

Age-Related Sagging

As you age, you become more prone to developing skin laxity. Diet and exercise can help maintain muscle tone, but even a healthy lifestyle cannot prevent the natural weakening of abdominal skin. Patients with age-related abdominal sagging may find that they require correction of their skin accumulation. Improving an aging abdominal contour helps many men maintain a masculine and youthful appearance.

Body Contouring


  • Liposuction is a permanent fat removal technique that can be performed as a standalone procedure or in conjunction with a tummy tuck.
  • Liposuction treats fat accumulation, not only along the abdomen, but also at the flanks, back, arms, and neck.
  • By removing fat, Dr. Ip is able to create a look that is customized to your physique and masculine stature.
  • Liposuction can be used to define areas of the abdomen so you achieve a more toned and firm appearance.

Traditional Tummy Tuck

  • A traditional tummy tuck is best suited for patients who require treatment or mild or moderate amounts of excess skin.
  • An incision is created low in the pubic area that extends from hip bone to hip bone.
  • An additional incision is created around the navel.
  • The skin is separated from the muscles, which are then tightened using deep sutures.
  • Excess skin from the lower abdomen is trimmed away.
  • Your abdominal area is shaped to provide the best abdominal appearance.

Extended Tummy Tuck

  • The extended tummy tuck is designed for patients after major weight loss.
  • The extended tummy tuck targets unwanted folds of skin around the abdomen, flanks, and back that is a result of weight loss.
  • A long incision is placed low in the pubic area that extends around the hips to the lower back.
  • Excess tissue is removed from around the abdomen, flanks, and back to reveal your new, slimmer physique.
  • The abdominal muscles are tightened in patients that require improvement.


Immediately following your surgery, you will experience bruising and swelling of your abdomen. A specialty compression garment should be worn to help minimize excess swelling. It is important to carefully follow your postoperative instructions to ensure quality healing and the best results possible.

Diet is an important factor in your healing process. It is necessary that you provide your body with the essential vitamins and nutrients it needs to heal following your surgery. Your diet should consist of protein, healthy fats, vegetables, and fruits. However, a diet of soft foods may be best immediately following your surgery. A detailed list of healthy, nutrient-packed foods will be provided for you before your surgery.
Patients will be required to limit their physical activities following their procedure. You will need to rest for several days after surgery. Most patients return to work two weeks after their procedure. You can resume your regular exercise routine sometime between four and six weeks after your surgery. You shouldn’t smoke for at least six weeks following your procedure.
You will be prescribed medications to take on a routine basis following your surgery. KEFLEX® and CIPRO® (ciprofloxacin) are antibiotics used to prevent infection. Flexeril® and Valium® are muscle relaxers used to reduce discomfort. Pain medication may also be used to relieve any additional discomfort you may feel during your recovery. medication

Frequently Asked Questions

A: During your consultation, Dr. Ip will determine what type of anesthetic will be used for your surgery. Most patients will require the use of a general anesthetic, but others may utilize intravenous sedation.
A: Men considering body contouring should be in good health and have realistic expectations about their results. Body contouring is not a weight loss procedure; patients should only choose to undergo a tummy tuck when they have reached and maintained their goal weight.
A: Mild complications may develop following body contouring, which can include pain, bleeding, infection, fluid accumulation, and scarring. More severe complications, such as altered skin sensation, blood clots, skin discoloration, and seroma development are rare. Carefully follow your aftercare instructions to minimize your risk of developing postoperative complications.
A: The intensity and length of your scarring will depend on the technique used for your procedure and your body’s natural healing process. While some mild scarring may develop, it will occur low along the pubic area and can be easily concealed with clothing. Any scarring that does develop is likely to fade over time.
A: Body contouring surgery is designed to provide a firmer abdominal profile with long-term results. Once the initial swelling subsides, your final results should last you years. It is important to maintain a stable weight following your surgery in order to preserve the quality of your results.
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